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    • Percentage of ICS computers on which malicious objects were blocked by Kaspersky
    • ICS computers on which all categories of threats were blocked by Kaspersky Solutions
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Source: Kaspersky |

From Spy Trojans to Ransomware: Cyberthreats industrial organisations in Africa should be aware of

The African region is over-exposed to threats spreading via the Internet, which are the most common initial-access tools for cyber attackers

According to Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) statistics, in the first quarter of 2024, the percentage of Industrial Control Systems (ICS) computers globally on which malicious objects were blocked decreased by 1.3 percentage points (pp) from the first quarter of the previous year - to 24.4%. In Africa the amount of malware remained…

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    • Brandon Muller, Technical Expert for the MEA region at Kaspersky
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Source: Kaspersky |

Employees in the Middle East, Turkiye, Africa region think they would earn 41% more if they had better digital skills

The lack of digital skills may not only impede one’s career and deprive them of income, but also produces serious risks for the cybersecurity of the organisation where this person is employed

According to a recent Kaspersky survey[1] (www.Kaspersky.co.za), over half of employees surveyed in the Middle East, Turkiye and Africa (META) region feel the lack of digital skills when working on computers and other digital equipment. If they had higher digital skills, employees think they would earn 41% more, on average.…

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    • Bethwel Opil, Enterprise Client Lead at Kaspersky in Africa
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Source: Kaspersky |

Kaspersky Records an Increase in Mobile Threats in Africa in Q2 2023

Among the most prevalent mobile threats that were detected in Africa are adware and mobile banking threats

According to Kaspersky research (https://apo-opa.info/46X8CgY) on mobile cyberthreat dynamics in Q2 2023, threats for mobile devices are growing worldwide. In particular, the number of mobile threats for Android devices [1] detected and blocked by Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) in the Middle East, Turkiye, and Africa (META) region increased by 5% in Q2 2023…

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    • Dr Amin Hasbini, Head of the Global Research & Analysis Team (GReAT) for META at Kaspersky.
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Source: Kaspersky |

African nations feature prominently in global top 100 for online threats

Dr Amin Hasbini expanded on several cyberthreat trends, cautioning business and technology leaders about two primary forms of cyberattacks – criminal and advanced

Nigeria, currently ranked 50th worldwide for online threats, South Africa at 82nd, and Kenya at 35th, have increasingly become focal points for cyber threats, as per the latest data from the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) presented on the reality of cyber threats in Africa at the recent inaugural…

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    • A thin client based on KasperskyOS is part of the Kaspersky Secure Remote Workspace solution
    • Victor Ivanovsky, KasperskyOS Business Development Lead
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Source: Kaspersky |

Spyware attacks on organisations in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria increased in Q1 2023

Spyware continues to be a threat to users of different types of devices, including thin clients.

As discussed during the recent Kaspersky Cyber Security Weekend – META 2023 (www.Kaspersky.co.za), for the first quarter of 2023 (Q1 2023) the share of users attacked1 with spyware in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria increased steadily. Kaspersky recorded an increase of 18,8% in South Africa, 12,9% in Kenya, and 14,6%…

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    • Emad Haffar, Head of Technical Experts at Kaspersky
    • Robots vs humans
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Source: Kaspersky |

74% of employees in South Africa say that robots should be more widely used in production, but fear robot hacking

The majority of employees surveyed in South Africa (92%) believe robots will eventually replace humans in their industry

According to Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) research, employees in South Africa believe that the better robots become at different tasks, the fewer jobs will remain for humans. The majority of local employees surveyed (74%) believe that robots should be more widely used across different industries, however, many fear robot hacking. Today robotics are used…

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    • Emad Haffar Head of Technical Experts Kaspersky
    • Share of ICS computers in META that were under attack per sector
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Source: Kaspersky |

Every Third Industrial Computer was Under Attack in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria in H1 2022

In the first half of 2022 in the META region ICS computers in the oil and gas sector faced attacks most often (47% of them got attacked)

According to the ICS threat landscape (https://bit.ly/3rGQgxM) report by Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za), in the first half of 2022 in the African regions computers in the industrial control systems (ICS) environment were attacked using multiple means – malicious objects, phishing pages, and spyware. ICS computers are used in oil & gas, energy,…

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    • Dr. Amin Hasbini, Head of Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT), Middle East, Türkiye and Africa region at Kaspersky
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Source: Kaspersky |

Backdoor computer malware in Africa skyrocketed in the second quarter of 2022

South Africa saw the most significant increase in backdoor detections from Q1 to Q2 – by 140% to 11,872 cases, with the share of affected users increasing by 10%

According to Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) Security Network data for corporate users, the number of backdoor computer malware detected in Q2 2022 in South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria increased significantly compared to the previous quarter, hitting new records and posing challenges to cybersecurity professionals in enterprise and government agencies. A backdoor is…

Source: Kaspersky |

Kaspersky reports the anomalous decline of mobile malware in Africa in 2021

This dynamic is a reflection of the global trend, as cybercriminals tend to invest less and less into the mainstream threats that are successfully neutralised by modern security solutions

While analysing the threat landscape of African countries, Kaspersky (www.Kaspersky.co.za) experts saw a steady decline in attacks on mobile devices in the region, as cybercriminals consolidated their efforts to focus on more complicated, dangerous and profitable threats instead. These and other findings are featured in Kaspersky’s Mobile Threats in 2021 (https://bit.ly/3JPgBkn)…

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    • Kaspersky predictions 2022
    • Maria Garnaeva, Senior Security Researcher at Kaspersky ICS CERT team
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Source: Kaspersky |

South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria see a decrease of ordinary threats, yet experience a massive increase of targeted malware schemes

The reason for such a change was the introduction and popularisation of new cybercrime models in the region, with cybercrime tools becoming more targeted

According to Kaspersky’s (https://Kaspersky.co.za/) latest research on the threat landscape trends, South Africa, Kenya and Nigeria are facing a dramatic change in the threat landscape. While regular, self-propagating malware is decreasing dramatically, as it is no longer effective and cannot fly under security radars, the region will see the growth…